
“Yoga begins right where I am

— not where I was yesterday or where I long to be.”

~ Linda Sparrowe

kundalini Yoga

 ‘Kundalini Yoga is a science which works on the Seven Chakras, the arc line and the aura (the Eighth Chakra). It works directly on the total energy, and that flow of energy has one simple way: either you sway it or it sways you. Either you are above the energy and ride it, or you go below the energy and it rides you’ – Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini energy is dormant life force energy that sits in the lower Chakras (energy centers) of the body. Most people have closed off from these (due to trauma, stress, disconnection, conditioning and more). Opening to this energy is a gift that provides healing, releases unseen blocks and guides you towards living a more Authentic, Happy, Healthy & Connected life.

what to expect in a kundalini yoga session

Kundalini Yoga combines chanting, pranayam (breath cycles/patterns), kriyas/active postures and mudras (hand positions) to direct ones energy flow in a specific way. In a class you will be guided through a warm-up, kriya and meditation. Every class is different and works on different energy systems, organs and emotions to achieve balance. Of course, these sessions have health and body benefits – when your energy systems flow: your weight, flexibility and muscle tone automatically shift in a healthy direction.

yoga Fusion

Yoga Fusion Sessions combine yoga postures, movement & breath sequences to enhance Strength, Balance, Breath Capacity and Flexibility. Sessions are prepared and taught intuitively according to the needs of the group.

kundalini yoga retreat garden route wilderness

KUNDALINI YOGA day retreat

  • Reconnect to your personal truth & clean up your energy field through an intensive day of Kundalini Yoga: energy based yoga for the body, mind, heart, spirit & subtle energy bodies
  • Asanas, chanting, meditation & pranayama (breathwork)
  • Incudes Refreshments & Light lunch
  • Beautiful garden in forest surroundings & Optional Swim in the dam.



VENUE: Shamboh, Erica Road, Wilderness

INVESTMENT: R550 per person

TIME:  8:30/9:00am – 3:00pm

Woman doing Kundalini Yoga at Well-being sanctuary
kundalini yoga classes wilderness tlc studio
kundalini yoga classes wilderness tlc studio

Kundalini yoga monthly sessions

Come & receive an injection boost of the infinite with Kundalini Yoga Intensive sessions. 


26 october 2024: 9am – 12 noon

23 november 2024: 9am – 12 noon

VENUE: TLC Studio (Opposite Fairy Knowe Hotel, Wilderness).




R450 for OCT & NOV


PREPARE: yoga mat, blanket, cushion, blocks (if you have), an open mind & water!

Dress in comfortable clothes. We will all bring snacks to share and hang out afterwards (optional).






Opposite Fairy Knowe Hotel, Wilderness



PREPARE: yoga mat, blanket, cushion, blocks (if you have), an open mind & water! Dress in comfortable clothes.


Private Kundalini Yoga & Yoga Fusion sessions are available for individuals, families and businesses to book once-off or regular sessions. In whatever context, the space can be structured to focus on themes to invoke specific outcomes. Below are some reasons why you might want to book a private session.


  • To work on fitness: energetic, emotional & physical fitness;
  • To process difficult emotions or life events; 
  • To strengthen specific emotional qualities or chakras, e.g. the heart chakra


  • To embark on a fun, healthy activity for you and the family;
  • To strengthen connection and energy between family members;
  • To strengthen the family unit and bring the family together.



  • Team building for staff;
  • Improve communication, productivity and wellness in the workplace;
  • To strengthen the inner qualities of staff to implement and achieve goals.