

“The Collective Unconscious does not understand the language of the conscious mind. Therefore it is necessary to have the magic of the symbol, which contains those primitive analogies that speak to the unconscious.”

~ Carl Jung

tarot cards

Tarot Cards originated in the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe (Austria, Italy, France). They were initially used as playing cards for a game known as Italian Tarocchini. Somewhere down the line, around the 18th Century, they became cards used for divination in Ancient Egypt, paganism & within the Kabbalah. The essence of tarot as symbolic messages is also strongly present in African Shamanism. Tarot is filled with rich symbols and is a powerful tool to connect to spirit, delve deeper into and recognise the language of your psyche, reveal hidden truths of your life and understand your energy and the energy around you.

readings/guidance sessions

Tarot cards are no airy fairy deal. They are deep symbolic reflections of the on-goings of your psyche that you cannot see or fail to see. The depth to which you can reflect into yourself is the depth to where the cards can take you. They do not tell you your fortune (which is ever-changing), but rather empower you to be honest about yourself, your actions and your life. I read the cards for myself and others to receive insight into the psyche and how it’s playing out in reality. The cards provide a backdoor to the truth if the front door is resistant. My sessions offer a psycho-spiritual coaching style space to receive what you need, along with suggested action steps.


I offer a variety of Tarot Workshops (see details below). For all workshops you will need your own tarot card deck, preferably one of the classic ones (check with me if you’re not sure). Examples: The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck; the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot Deck; Universal Waite Tarot Deck; Quick & Easy Tarot Deck; the Sacred Rose Tarot Card Deck. You can purchase a Tarot Card Deck at your local spiritual tool shop or online.

Online major arcana tarot course

tarot Major arcana COURSE

23x sessions over 11 months


START DATE: 26 March 2024

2x sessions per month (1st & 3rd Thursday of every month)

END DATE: 18 February 2025

TIME:  6PM – 7PM



R3000/$158 for the full course OR

R1100/$58 over 3 months OR

R350/$19 per month


I invite you to join me for an 11 month explorative study of the 22 Major Arcana Tarot Cards through storytelling, meditation, shadow work, light work and reflection. This is the third time I’m running this intensive course.

In the traditional Tarot Wisdom, the 22 Major Arcana Cards hold & reflect messages, wisdom, archetypes and patterns that can guide us towards an authentic & clearer understanding of ourselves, our psyche (individual and collective) & our lives. The major arcana journey starts at 0 with the wanderlustful Fool – full of potential, clarity, innocence & enthusiasm. As the journey progresses, ‘The Fool’ disintegrates and plays out many aspects of its own fullness – each character or fragment represented in each of the arcana cards. By diving into this exploration, you get to experience, let go of and reclaim fragmented parts of yourself and more… Join me!


  • An understanding of the basics of the the major arcana card meanings;
  • Connection to the way the major arcana communicate messages;
  • An understanding of archetypes, how they operate and the messages they represent;
  • Practical experience reading the major arcana for yourself and others in the space;
  • Reflection from the cards on areas of your own life;
  • A supportive group environment to grow your tarot reading skills and personal growth benefits;
  • Notes & recordings will be available.


WHy do this course?

  • If you are already a Tarot Student, this course will root, solidify and bring fullness to your abilities.
  • If you are a natural mystic, shaman, creative – this course is perfect for self-development & essentially self-actualization.
  • If you are a healing catalyst/therapist of any kind Tarot in its entirety is a great tool to add to your toolbox so that you can assist clients move through their blocks in a creative & meaningful way.



tarot readings online south africa


Receive Psycho-Spiritual Perspective & Guidance on the energetic influences in your Life.

what you’ll receive

  • A Grounded Reflective Space to process & reconnect to source & your higher self;
  • Possible Action Steps based on information received;
  • Support, re-direction and/or confirmation on relevant topics from a balanced psychological & spiritual vieszpoint.



Online minor arcana tarot course

Tarot minor arcana course

5x Sessions

DATES (2024):

Session 1: TBC
Session 2: TBC
Session 3: TBC
Session 4: TBC

Session 5: TBC

TIME: 6:30PM – 8:00PM


COST: R900/$50 pp


about the course

An introductory dive into Demystifying Tarot cards for all who are wanting to empower yourselves and learn to read your own energy connected to all areas of your life. The art of Tarot is about reading the subtle energy of the psyche and the current consciousness around you. The artistic depictions and suits of the cards beautifully portray the game of energy in and around us. It’s a magical, profound space if you let it be. It’s hard to admit but sometimes we are not in control of what energy we attract as so much influences this – in this case the cards are a necessary tool to help you navigate through rocky patches and thrive fully in abundant moments. The cards are also a great tool to connect to Spirit (your guides, angels & ancestors) – readings providing a psycho-spiritual experience for you (or others you read for)!


what you will receive in the course

  • A basic structure to frame your readings;
  • An understanding of the basics of the four suits and the minor arcana card meanings;
  • Connection to how your intuition speaks to you and how to connect with the cards in this way, acknowledging how the cards want to speak to you;
  • Practical experience reading for yourself and others in the space;
  • Reflection from the cards on areas of your own life;
  • A supportive group environment to receive clearer messages from your cards to you, therefore expanding your awareness of the symbolism of the cards.
online tarot courses

TAROT as a tool course

 A course for therapists, coaches, healers, leaders, facilitators & space holders

DATES (2024):

Session 1: TBC
Session 2: TBC
Session 3: TBC
Session 4: TBC

Session 5: TBC

TIME: 6:30PM – 8:00PM


COST: R900/$50 pp


A guided journey to learn how Tarot can practically & energetically support your personal and professional space. This course aims to guide you contextually and practically on how to use this tool for your own and others’ personal development.
This course is for you if you are a therapist, coach, healer, leader, facilitator or space holder looking to:
  • explore how tarot can practically assist in your personal and professional space;
  • work with energy, subconscious patterns, archetypal forces, the light & dark shadow in your personal & professional space;
  • expand the depth and quality of your practice.
The art of Tarot is about receiving information from the subconscious mind and the subtle energy field of a person, situation or space. Because of its rich symbolism, tarot has capacity to clarify and reveal layered subject matter that can unveil important insights for: growth, healing, change and integration. Tarot is a profound tool to lay our projections onto for the purpose of reflecting back what’s calling for acknowledgement in ones reality. It’s also highly effective in guiding someone through shadow work in a gentle and supportive way. Adding the tool to the space creates flow where a client/group might be stuck, as well as reduces the weight on the space holder to carry and reflect the projections in a space.
It is a fine skill to hold a space using Tarot, yet it is uncomplicated to include as the many symbols, colours, numbers and suits carry information within the collective unconscious field, making it simple to translate and relatable on some level to any human being. Tarot holds huge capacity to grow one’s own capacity in holding space. As this ability is refined, one learns how to pinpoint what’s exactly needed in the context of a space to assist yourself or someone else.



  • A basic understanding of the four suits & numbers of the minor arcana (mysteries);
  • A basic understanding of the major arcana as archetypal forces;
  • A practical framework on how to include Tarot as a tool into your professional space;
  • Guiding questions & ways to unpack the reflections of the cards;
  • Practical experience with using tarot as a tool in the group;
  • A reflective space using tarot for your own growth and development;
  • A supportive environment to take your space holding skills to the next level;
  • Notes on all of the above.
Online tarot courses

tarot as a tool monthly meet upS



Inspired by the results of my 2022 online Tarot as a Tool Course, I’ve created an Online Monthly Meet Up space for previous participants of the course (and any form of Therapist, Healer, Helper who has some experience with Tarot) to continue strengthening their ability to utilise Tarot as a therapeutic and Reflective Tool, especially with ‘Shadow Work/exploration’.

The Monthly Meet Ups are an experiential space for Therapists, Coaches, Healers, Teachers, Leaders & Space Holders to further develop how to use this tool for one’s own and others’ reflection & personal development.
  • Explore how tarot can practically assist in your personal and professional space;
  • Work with energy, subconscious patterns, archetypal forces, the light & dark shadow in your personal & professional space;
  • Expand the depth and quality of your practice;
  • Practice different ways of working with the cards


upscoming session

DATE: THURSDAY 19 OCTOBER (1st Thursday of every month  unless otherwise specified)

TIME: 6:30PM – 7:45PM


COST: R200/$12 pp

THEME: Using Tarot to reflect on & process difficult emotional states e.g. grief, anger sadness.

Online Tarot card courses

additional online courses


These are automated courses that you can do in your own time with a support session with me!

My Journey With Tarot

In 2010 my mom passed on her Sacred Rose Tarot Deck to me. I began studying the cards and doing readings for myself. I started to see how the cards took me into deep subtle spaces of my psyche. It helped me understand various situations and with that awareness I was able to take action and find healing. 6 years ago I began doing readings for friends and others. I have a psycho-spiritual connection and understanding with the cards – a balance between spiritual and psychological influences that guide us. At the end of the day we are all energy – energy is constantly moving and shifting. Either you ride with it or rides you. The cards simply assist in bringing awareness to the energy surrounding you, helping you see where you need to step up or where you need to surrender.