A note on Amsterdam…Ancestordam


As I walked through the streets of Amsterdam at 4AM to take the train from central station, I noticed how the city really sleeps. A deep sense of peace and trust overwhelmed me. Amsterdam, a city flourishing with passion, I couldn’t help but fall in love with you. The romance seeps through your canals, the infrastructure: a Hollywood set comes to mind, ironically tickling all the real parts of me. A place where my thirst is always quenched. A sensual city where the water holds the space, the people. A place where spider webs are never broken.

As the train passes on a regular basis, it triggers a feeling of longing…of depression. An urgency to expand rips through me. All at once possibilities of my past lives emerge, combined with the whispers from the ancestors of the land and my own colourful mix of ancestors. I feel myself stretching wildly as all these feelings pour into me…through me. The song of my calling becomes louder as I let this energy flow through me. I feel myself opening and there is no turning back now.

A collection of ancestors gathers on this land…a connection not written about in history reveals itself to me. A connection before wars and power struggles infested the land. I sense an energetic harmony between Africa and Europe, before colonization came along. Africa is on this land. You need to know that. Something in this city works because a collection of souls channel magic into this land. I believe many are attracted to this land because of what it holds. Some ancestors are waiting to be collected or connected with by their descendants. Oh this land! Ancestordam!