embodied wellness


Tarot Cards originated in the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe (Austria, Italy, France). Tarot is filled with rich symbols and is a powerful tool to connect to spirit, delve deeper into and recognise the language of your psyche, reveal hidden truths of your life and understand your energy and the energy around you.


Kundalini energy is dormant life force energy that sits in the lower Chakras (energy centers) of the body. Most people have closed off from these (due to trauma, stress,disconnection, conditioning and more). Opening to this energy is a gift that provides healing, releases unseen blocks and guides you toward living a more Authentic, Happy, Healthy & Connected life.

Burlesque Fit Workshops

Burlesque Fit Workshops are holistic workshops that draw from the style of ‘Burlesque’ in order to nourish physical, emotional, psychological and sensual well-being, making you Burlesque Fit! Being Burlesque Fit is about finding balance, expression and  re-connection to hidden and suppressed parts of you.


Kahuna massage is an ancient Hawaiian Healing practice and form of body work that balances the chakras and nurtures the body with loving touch. Along with touch, the Kahuna (shaman) uses intuition, breath and sound in a conversational dance with the body to invoke relaxation, healing, clearing & re-centering.

Yoni Pearls

Energy tools to assist women on their journey of womb healing and womb awakening. The pearls are made with love, care & conscious energy. They are powerful in working with the subtle energies of your physical body, auric body & pranic body too. Working on healing and strengthening the subtle bodies can have far reaching impact in your life and expression as a woman.


A Baobab Collection Of Alternative Lifestyle Experiences. I venture out and write to demystify and translate the essence of these alternative lifestyle options with the intention to promote amazing opportunities, to guide seekers towards what is relevant for them and to create an archive of the flourishing consciousness that is upon us.

Hi! I’m chelsey may, your wellness express empress. a bit about my journey…

I am a qualified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Creative Facilitator, Writer, & Healing Catalyst. Educationally, I have a BA in Dramatic Arts (majoring in Writing and Applied Drama & Theatre), and an Honours Degree in Psychology. I have also undergone training in Circling & Authentic Relating, which compliments my skills in facilitation and teaching. I have facilitated and taught in a variety of settings including: correctional centers, schools, recovery centers, universities and safe parks with OVC’s (Orphaned & Vulnerable Children) and care workers.

My Journey has definitely been non-linear, moving from academia into more spiritual, symbolic & embodied practices of healing. These practices, of exploration and some deep study, include Tarot, African Shamanism, movement medicine, plant medicines ceremonies, Kahuna body work and Chi Nei Tsang massage.  Each step that I have taken, through the above mentioned practices, has been invaluable to my healing and given me the strength to acknowledge my path in Service and Creativity.  My spirit is called to a variety of practices and experiences as  I am on a path of consistent Initiation.

Deepening into my spiritual path was acutely influenced (along with events leading up to this) by the trauma experienced when my step dad went missing in Rwanda in February 2018 . As heart breaking as it was, the situation was a type of initiation for me to step more fully onto my path.

With my academic, creative & spiritual tools I offer a variety of platforms (Kundalini Yoga, Burlesque Dance & Exploration, Tarot, Shadow Exploration & Bodywork) for people to heal, express, strengthen and live their highest potential. My path has also led me to creating products to enhance your journey. When it comes to healing, it’s not a one size fits all situation. Different people need different practices and possibly a combination thereof to break through blocks, make peace with their trauma and let go of the baggage. My mission is to guide you to trust yourself, your wisdom and the inner teacher within – I am very much FOR empowering you to follow your own guidance instead of giving your power away to forces outside of you. After all…everything you need is inside of you. We’re in an age where ancestral healing is being brought up for us to heal too, which can make the healing process that much more complex. The different platforms I offer aim to compliment this complexity so that you can express, heal, get well and BE WELL hence – WELLNESS EXPRESS!
